Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How To Prevent Omni-Channel Cracks From Sinking You

courtesy sakhorn38 at freedigitalphotos.net
While one will see slight variations in how the Omni-channel #CustomerExperience is described, it is generally understood that such an experience provides customers a feeling of seamless interaction with a company. Regardless of which channels or how many the customer utilizes during the buying process, there is true integration of information flow and support.  The customer is not left feeling there are any gaps as they seek assistance via their telephone, desktop computer, mobile device or in the company's brick and mortar store

As companies strive to implement omni-channel strategies, they should ensure care is taken to identify factors that can cause the customer experience to appear less than seamless.  While companies may launch program components that are critical for an omni-channel operating environment, failure to properly address attributes most sensitive to customers will delay or potentially derail the desired strategic outcome.  The following example illustrates my point.

Most would agree that price is one of the more sensitive attributes from a customer's perspective.  I recently visited my local +Walmart to purchase some printer ink after comparing prices online between Walmart and other local providers.  To my surprise, I learned the online price offered was not the same as that in the store;  furthermore, the store could not honor the lower price as I stood at the register with product in hand.  My option was to order the ink online, obtain the lower price there, and Walmart would have my lower priced item in store the next day.  I could then pick up the item free of charge.  If I wanted the item shipped to my home, there were options for shipping intervals and associated charges.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I must admit I may have missed a notice on Walmart.com stating there was a difference between the online and in-store prices.  I also did not click over to review store prices after initially seeing what I thought was the item price.  Regardless, I felt there was a very real disconnect in my customer experience, primarily due to the inflexibility in honoring prices across Walmart's channels.  In this instance, there was a perceived crack in the seam of Walmart's channel approach.

There are business reasons such scenarios exists. These include different profit centers with different cost models, agreements with vendors, and other unknown factors that may keep channels from being totally consistent from a pricing perspective;  however, if a true omni-channel experience is the end-game, then finding models that enable pricing to be consistent across all channels is critical to success.

Pricing was the key sensitivity in this instance.  Omni-channel strategist must ensure they are keenly aware of how customer's view and prioritize all hot buttons that shape a seamless experience.  Failure to do so will result in the unraveling of omni-channel pursuits.

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